Supplemental Academic Support Fee
Academic Fees for the 2021/2022 School year are as follows:
$100/1st student
$50/subsequent students
Corporate Matching
Does your employer match contributions to 501c3 organizations? MANY employers (Ex: Starbucks, Microsoft, Google and more) participate in a matching program. ANY funds you contribute to the OPT (Hint: Supplemental Academic Support Fee, Uniform Store, etc.) can be matched!
Need a receipt from a previous OPT contribution to submit your match request? Email
Individual Contributions & Sponsorships
Spirit Wear Sales
Uniform Store Purchases
Evergreen Eats Out
The Evergreen Academy OPT partners with local restaurants to raise money in a program titled, "Evergreen Eats Out." Often these fundraising nights coincide with an all school event such as the Talent Show or a Movie Night and when we are able to gather in-person, Evergreen Eats Out is a fun way to gather with the school community while dining in. On these evenings, partnering restaurants donate up to 20% of their profits made by orders from Evergreen families. These dollars go directly back to the OPT!
Do you know of a restaurant that would be interested in partnering with the OPT to raise money for our non-profit organization? If so, contact!
Previous partners include: