Hello Eagles,
Just a reminder here that you might not need to make lunch this week, but please remember to always provide your child with snacks and a drink for lunch (or at least their water bottle.) If you signed up for Subway, Pizza, or Ordo, then you don't need to worry about making lunch on those days this week! Based on what you ordered online, you can rest assured that:
Ordo lunches will be delivered on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday
Varies depending on which days you ordered, and orders must be made weekly.
Subway will be delivered on Wednesday
Every Wednesday until December 13th, except November 22nd
Pizza Hut will be delivered on Friday
Every Friday until December 8th Except Oct 6 and Nov 10 & 24
* Note that the days when Subway or Pizza are not served, normal class is not in session.
** Food Services are not provided on camp days.
Your friendly webmaster,
Steven Farnell