Hello Eagles,
I hope everyone had a chance to catch your breath this week, because with October comes another action packed month of school activities! Don't believe me? Scroll down to the bottom of the page for a list of upcoming events!
We can thank our wonderful principal for creating the October monthly calendar in our Friday folders! Hot off the presses, I have a PDF version of the October Calendar for you to download:
In today's Friday Folders, you will see some reminders regarding the final call for Spirit Wear orders! We hope you all have had a chance to look at the items because the Spirit Wear sale ends Tomorrow (October 1st). Also, if the OPT has not received your OPT fees yet, you received a reminder flyer (shown below) to remind you OPT Fees are Due Today (September 30th). Remember that classes with 100% payment will earn an Ice Cream Sundae Party!
You will also see a flyer for The Nutcracker! This is a matinee showing of the Pacific Northwest Ballet’s performance of George Balanchine’s The Nutcracker® at McCaw Hall on Thursday, 12/7 at 12 PM. Tickets are on sale now, and will be available until 3:30PM on Wednesday October 25th.
Here is a digital version of the flyer:

This weeks folders also include forms for picture day on Thursday, October 12th. Fall picture day includes a single portrait for the yearbook and class photos. Uniforms are required, no spirit wear this time. Estimated delivery for orders is 3-4 weeks after picture day. There is also a portrait retake day scheduled for November 16th in case you don't like how the portrait turns out. You can order copies of the photos in a number of ways:
Return the order form BEFORE picture day with a check or cash (exact change only); orders will be sent to the school.
Ordering on mylifetouch.com using the Picture Day ID on the form in your folder BEFORE picture day; orders will be sent to the school.
Waiting 3-4 weeks AFTER picture day to see proofs before ordering, and using the order form (with check or exact change) or the website to order. This option also costs extra for shipping to send your photos directly to your home.
There will also be a spring picture day with free dress in February; more details will come as we approach.
To finish off the folder contents, you will find a flyer for the Scholastic Book Fair the week of October 9 - 13. More details will come, and expect that your student(s) will be creating a wish list during library time that week! If you would like to volunteer to help with the event, please sign up here to take a 30 minute shift!
Outside of the folder, you should have received some SMORE newsletters this week.
Mrs. Holmdahl in the Art Room has shared information about the recent and upcoming art projects each grade is working on.
Mrs. Chou in the Performing Arts Room shared photos and videos of some music related activities each grade has been working on!
Mrs. Holck in the Library shared Library and Technology news about when our students visit the library and what they are learning in technology class.
If you did not receive the email, I would reach out to Darcy to find out how to get added to the mailing list. For privacy reasons, we do not share links to SMORE posts publicly.
Upcoming Dates:
Academic Support Fees are due Today, September 30th (Make Payment Here)
Spirit Wear Sale ends Sunday, October 1st (Shop Now!)
Day at the ballpark is Sunday, October 1st (Sold Out)
Oct 6 In Service registration due Monday, October 2nd (Download Form Here)
Teacher PD training Friday, October 6th (Inservice forms due Oct 2nd Download Here)
Scholastic Book Fair Monday October 9th – Friday, October 13th (Volunteer Here)
Fall Picture Day Thursday, October 12th (Uniforms Required)
Skating Party Tuesday, October 17th (Add to your Calendar Here)
Nutcracker Ticket Sales Close Wednesday, October 25th @ 3:30PM (Purchase Here)
Trunk-or-Treat + Fall Dance = Halloween Spooktacular! Friday, October 27th (Think of ideas now! Volunteer soon.)
Picture retake day Thursday, November 16th
Nutcracker Ballet Thursday December 7th (Purchase Here)