Hello Eagles,
Welcome to October! As we enter the 2nd month of the school year, we start to settle into the flow of finding time for homework and the OPT schedule settles down a little bit to give you breathing room. We always try to make sure September is active to encourage new families to engage a little more, but at the same time we don't want to overwhelm you.
Meanwhile, in your Friday Folders, you will find flier for the book fair next week, and our next Evergreen Eats out event coming up in a couple weeks. We anticipate both of these events being a lot of fun for he kids, and we hope to see you at both!

Annual Skating Party
Monday, October 7th, we have the Annual Skating party at 6PM. Admission is $10 and includes skate rental if you need it. Skate assist devices are available for rental, but they often sell out at this event, and you may want to show up promptly at the beginning of the event if you want to get one.

Picture Day
Thursday, October 10th, we have picture day! This is the first of 2 picture days we have during the school year. The fall picture day is for yearbook and class photos. Please wear your best uniform on Thursday, and this is the one day that Spirit Wear is not allowed. Later in the year, we will have another Picture Day where uniforms are not required, and photo packages will have more options.
Progress Reports
Friday, October 11th, you should expect to receive fall progress reports. This is the first formal feedback regarding your students progress for the year, and an essential tools for you to come up with questions for parent-teacher conferences next month. Of coarse, you can always reach out to your teachers if you have questions or concerns regarding progress or to brainstorm ideas if you feel the need give your child a push in the right direction.
Scholastic Book Fair

The book fair is coming! This year, we have a goal of reaching 1000 books, and in order to get there, we need you! If you are available to volunteer, please sign up on our signup genie page. If you just want to help get your child ready, you can sign up for an e-wallet now on the scholastic site. The E-wallet gives your child the ability to choose their own books, and can be accessed by name lookup or a printable barcode.
Upcoming Dates
10/10 - Picture Day
10/11 - Progress Reports go home
10/16 - 3rd Grade overnight fieldtrip to Mr St Helens
10/21 - 4th Grade overnight fieldtrip to Islandwood
10/21 - Great Pumpkin Raffle (all week)
10/28 - Kindergarten fieldtrip to Pumpkin Patch
10/31 - Halloween costumes at school