Hello Eagles,
Welcome to November! I don't know about you, but Halloween was a sugar filled blur of activity, from the Trunk or Treating to classroom parties, I hope you all had a spooktacular time! As we head into November, we begin our annual Season of Gratitude and Giving. This group of events includes the Food Drive and Candy Buy Back that are already underway! If you have some extra candy, or have some non-perishable items, please consider helping the 5th grade turn this into the best season of giving ever! In the spirit of gratitude, I would like to thank all of you for doing your part to make this such a great school! All the parents, teachers and kids are just great people in general, and that is one of those everyday things that makes life better.
A reminder that School is closed on November 10th, but there will be camp available on Thanksgiving week. So, November 20-22 will have camp available. You should have received the registration form, but just in case, I have a copy of it here:
Reminder that Parent-Teacher conferences are on Monday and Tuesday Thanksgiving week. You should have received a form from your teacher. If you don't have it, here is a copy of the form. Please return this to your teachers soon, as it will help them prepare.
Finally, don't forget to submit photos about your loved ones who have served in any military! Submissions are due Sunday November 5th!
Next Week:
Season of Giving and Gratitude - A series of events all November.
Food Drive Begins Monday November 1st - 16th
Candy Buy Back Wednesday, November 1st - 13th
Veteran's Day Observed (No School - No Camp) Friday November 10th
Upcoming Dates:
Season of Giving and Gratitude - A series of events all November.
Food Drive Begins Monday November 1st - 16th
Veteran's assembly in OPT House Monday, November 13th @ 9:15AM
November Camp Registration due November 13th
Veteran's Assembly Monday, November 13th @ 10AM
Picture retake day Thursday, November 16th
Coffee With Amy Friday November 17th @ 8:30AM
Report Cards Go Home Friday, November 17th
Parent Teacher Conferences Monday & Tuesday November 20th and 21st
No School Week of November 20th
Upcoming Camp Available Monday, November 20th - Wednesday, November 22nd
Gingerbread House Night Thursday, November 30th
Nutcracker Ballet Thursday December 7th (Purchase Here)
Winter Break Begins Saturday, December 16th
Ski and Snowboard School begins Friday, January 5th 2024 (see email from Darcy)