Hello Eagles,
I hope you all enjoyed the first Trimester! As you review progress reports and think of questions for parent-teacher conferences, be sure to give your teachers a heads up by completing the pre-conference questionnaire this week, and turning those in to your teachers. The more you let your teacher know, the better they can prepare for a productive conference.
This week in your folders, you will find a flyer asking for food donations for the November Staff Appreciation Luncheon! We already have a number of volunteers (Thank you all!) but we still need a few more people who could make Chili, Soup, or provide Warm drinks for the teachers. Seeing the signup sheet fill up so quickly is a wonderful and heartwarming thing!
You should have also received a flier for Gingerbread House Night! This comes with a link to purchase a gingerbread house through the OPT, or you could brave the isles of Costco to purchase your own. This will be a fun night of creativity in the gymnasium!
Finally, in your folder you should have received the parent order form for the All School Winter Musical! You can only order 2 tickets now to ensure that all parents have a chance to go, but more tickets will become available at 8AM Friday December 1st. More details will come for ordering at that time.
Next Week:
Season of Giving and Gratitude - A series of events all November.
Food Drive Endss Monday November 1st - 16th
Candy Buy Back Ends Monday Wednesday, November 1st - 13th
Veteran's assembly in OPT House Monday, November 13th @ 9:15AM
November Camp Registration due November 13th
Veteran's Assembly Monday, November 13th @ 10AM
Picture retake day Thursday, November 16th
Staff Appreciation Luncheon Thursday, November 16th
Coffee With Amy Friday, November 17th @ 8:30AM
Report Cards Go Home Friday, November 17th
Upcoming Dates:
Season of Giving and Gratitude - A series of events all November.
Parent Teacher Conferences Monday & Tuesday November 20th and 21st
No School Week of November 20th
Upcoming Camp Available Monday, November 20th - Wednesday, November 22nd
Gingerbread House Night Thursday, November 30th
All School Winter Musical Wednesday December 6th
Nutcracker Ballet Thursday, December 7th
Winter Break Begins Saturday, December 16th
Ski and Snowboard School begins Friday, January 5th 2024 (see email from Darcy)